We at the Wire Horse hope that all our friends had a happy and safe New Year. As always, the budding New Year brings with it lots of resolutions, promises and excitement over what the coming months will bring. If you’re like us, it is also a time to reflect on what went right in our lives the past year and also what we would love to improve upon in this New Year.
Many of us want to shed a few pounds and/or be more active. Maybe your thoughts are about ways to become more efficient and more productive. Maybe you would like to become more organized so that life isn’t so hectic. Maybe you want to find ways to give back and improve the lives of others. Perhaps you want to get in touch with your spiritual side. Are there people who have gone by the wayside that you would like to reconnect with? Maybe you feel like you need a whole new makeover to shed the “old” you and allow a more vibrant you to emerge. The possibilities are endless and are personal and specific to each one of us. The important thing is that we do things to bring health, peace and harmony to our lives.
As horsemen and horsewomen, many of us always are striving to become better riders, advance to another level in our equitation or tackle a new discipline. The New Year brings with it the challenge of setting new goals in the horse world and working to achieve them. Sometimes those goals are things we hope to accomplish in the show arena or the breeding barn.
Sometimes those goals are to focus on enjoying more relaxing time with our horses and dogs; more trail riding, more grooming time, more play time with our beloved 4-footed companions. Numerous studies have shown that time spent with animals is therapeutic. We at The Wire Horse all agree that the best way to de-stress is to spend time with our animals. How lucky we are that we can just go out to the barn and not have to schedule an appointment with a therapist!
So if you have not already done so, we urge you to think about what would make your life a healthy and happy one in 2019. Then, set goals that will result in a happier, healthier you. Finally, make a plan to take steps that will result in achieving those goals.
Happy New Year Horse friends! We will be working on our resolutions and know that wherever you are, you are also striving to make your life better in 2019.